Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowed In

No one likes to admit when they're wrong. I'm no better.
The week before Christmas a foot and a half of snow fell. I remember Charlie saying "This is gonna be a really bad winter". I said "Nah, I doubt it".

All week the weathermen had been telling us a major snow storm was coming and would arrive by Friday (yesterday). Everyday I kept saying "It's not gonna be as bad as they're predicting". Thursday, late afternoon/early evening Tabytha's school called to say that school would close early in anticipation of the impending snow storm that was to hit us Friday afternoon. I waved it off and thought it was silly to close school early. It wasn't gonna be that bad.

I was wrong. (there, I said it)

We woke up this morning to find nearly 2 feet of snow had fallen overnight. Charlie got started shoveling around 8:30am. The snow continued to fall as Charlie was working to clear a path to the front door and dig out the car and his tow truck. When he was half way down the driveway the front porch and sidewalk were buried again under a fresh blanket of snow. The wind was blowing and the snow continued to fall.

According to the weather reports we're suppose to see up to 8 more inches of snow by midnight, bringing our grand total to almost 3 feet of snow in two days.

This 'blizzard' may top all the previous MD records. Ever.

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